Author Guidelines

Use the following template to write an article.

All Paper can be submitted in BAHASA INDONESIA or in ENGLISH

The template has all the styles needed for writing. Save your article in *.docx format. Do not use *.pdf format, so that it will be easier to edit the paper for reviewing and editing purpose.

Manuscript systematics are: the title must be written concisely and describe the contents of the manuscript, in the title avoid writing subtitles or case studies; author's name (without academic degree); author affiliation; email address; the author's name marked * is the corresponding author; abstract (maximum 250 words) written in English; keywords (minimum three, maximum 6); INTRODUCTION which contains the background and aim or scope of the writing; RESEARCH METHOD which contains formulating the problem being studied in more detail (written mathematically as far as possible) and explaining the proposed method; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION which contains information about the tests carried out and analyzing the results; CONCLUSION; REFERENCES (only contains referenced sources).


Title Written uppercase and in English, Max. 20 Words, Palatino Linotype, 14pt, bold, and centered


Abstract must be written in English. The abstract provides a general description of the contents of the paper and line spacing 1. The maximum length of the abstract is 250 words. If there are foreign terms that have not been standardized, they are written in italics. Citations are not permitted in the abstract section. The abstract should contain background/problems, research objectives/paper objectives, methods, and results/conclusions. If there are foreign terms that have not been standardized, they are written in italics.


The contents of the introduction contain the background, objectives, problem identification and research methods, which are implicitly presented. Except for the Introduction chapter and the Conclusion chapter, the writing of chapter titles should explicitly adjust the contents. It does not have to be implicitly stated as the basis for theory, design, and so on. The contents of the introduction generally only cover 10-20% of the total paper. Don't forget to include the objectives of the research conducted in this paper.


The content of the research method is to formulate the problem under study in more detail (as far as possible written mathematically) and explain the proposed method. When using an algorithm, it can be described in this section, along with the state of the art. The content of research methods generally only covers 20-30% of the total paper.


This section describes the results of the research and the tests that have been carried out. In addition, it is also conveyed about the discussion of the research and testing that has been done. The results and discussion should be the most content chapter in a paper. The contents of the results and discussions can reach 50-65% of the total paper.


This section provides a discussion of the research results that have been achieved. Analyze the results obtained and compare them with similar research from previous journals/conferences. This section is a MANDATORY and MUST HAVE section because it shows the importance of the results of the research that has been carried out. The content of the discussion ranges from 10-20% of the entire paper.


Conclusions are at the core of the entire paper. Made in paragraph form, and not in list form. The conclusion does not repeat the sentence in the abstract.


This journal uses IEEE citation style. In-text citations are written using arabic numbers inside square brackets and are ordered by their occurrence in the writing. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Minimum bibliography is 15 references from 5 years latest primary references (Journals, conferences, books) .


We strongly recommend the use of reference/citation manager such as Mendeley or Zotero when writing your article. Open-source reference manager are available to use without charge or with a small cost.


Examples of journal bibliography are numbers 1, 2, and 3.Examples of conference bibliographies are numbers 4, 5, and 6.Example of bibliography for books is in number 7. Example of bibliography from the web is in number 8. Example of bibliography for theses / dissertations is in number 9.

[1]        J. Ahmad, A. ul Hasan, T. Naqvi, and T. Mubeen, “A Review on Software Testing and Its Methodology,” Manag. J. Softw. Eng., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 32–38, 2019, doi: 10.26634/jse.13.3.15515.
[2]        E. A. Shams and A. Rizaner, “A novel support vector machine based intrusion detection system for mobile ad hoc networks,” Wirel. Networks, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1821–1829, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s11276-016-1439-0.
[3]        S. Aljawarneh, M. Aldwairi, and M. B. Yassein, “Anomaly-based intrusion detection system through feature selection analysis and building hybrid efficient model,” J. Comput. Sci., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 152–160, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2017.03.006.
[4]        Y. I. Kurniawan, A. Rahmawati, N. Chasanah, and A. Hanifa, “Application for determining the modality preference of student learning,” in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, vol. 1367, no. 1, pp. 1–11, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1367/1/012011.
[5]        Y. Guo, S. Han, Y. Li, C. Zhang, and Y. Bai, “K-Nearest Neighbor combined with guided filter for hyperspectral image classification,” in International COnference On Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, 2018, pp. 159–165.
[6]        Y. I. Kurniawan, E. Soviana, and I. Yuliana, “Merging Pearson Correlation and TAN-ELR algorithm in recommender system,” in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, vol. 1977, doi: 10.1063/1.5042998.
[7]        M. Sridevi, S. Aishwarya, A. Nidheesha, and D. Bokadia, Anomaly Detection by Using CFS Subset and Neural Network with WEKA Tools. Springer Singapore.
[8]        C. Low, “NSL-KDD Dataset,” 2015. (accessed Sep. 13, 2019).
[9]        D. Handoko, “Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Penentuan Penerima Beasiswa Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW),” Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2016.